Forums - Iron Man Guide COVERS INFINITE Show all 60 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Iron Man Guide COVERS INFINITE ( Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 02:00 AM: Supergeek's Iron Man Guide SUPERGEEK'S IRON MAN GUIDE -INFINITE -GUARD BREAKING -TEAMS INFINITE The sequence of buttons to be pressed are: j.Jab, j.Strong, SLIGHT pause, j.Short, SLIGHT pause, j.UF Fierce, the biggest reason people cannot continue after three sequences is because the opponent falls down too fast, to prevent this use the j.Short, j.Jab, j.Short, j.UF Fierce after three sequences and you should have no problem. The pauses are very important to have in the infinite, because if you just do it straight up, you knock them too high to continue, or if you pause too much, the fall down faster. Against heavier guys, or for people who can't continue in the corner, use this sequence: j.Short, j.Jab, j.Short, j.UF Fierce, starting with the Short will knock them up higher and you won't have as much trouble. -ASSISTS For the pop up, if you want to use an assist, use an anti air assist that only goes midscreen maximum or an expansion that maintains their positions and gives you enough time to get under them. Akuma's EXPANSION assist Cyclops's ANTI AIR assist (Side note: Have to start the infinite before Cyclops fires the eyebeam) Psylocke's ANTI AIR assist (Side note: This is the best assist, but you have to be quick, also, you can setup an OTG combo: Assist, c.Short, c.Medium, slight pause, s.Short, s.Roundhouse, air combo into infinite) Are the best setups for the infinite. -TO COMBO IN THE INFINTE To combo in the infinite you can do it one of two ways: c.Short, c.Strong, Superjump XX Jab, Jab, UF Fierce, infinite OR Launch, DF Fierce, Airdash DF, Short, Medium, UF Fierce, infinite OR (Courtesy of BloodRiotIori) j.Short, j.Medium, j.Up Roundhouse, land, infinite (This was the old school MvC1 War Machine infinite setup ^_^) -LINKING IN SUPER Linking into a Proton Cannon isn't all that hard especially, if you've got no problem doing the infinite in the corner (Problems that occur maybe that the opponent falls down to fast) you can just repeat the infinite and when you land, perform the super, the vacuum effect will suck them in and the super will hit, usually killing the opponent and then you're free to guard break into the infinite once again. If you're not fully used to the infinite and want to perform the super in the middle of the screen, you can perform a Jab Repulser Blast after the UF Fierce and cancel the super from the Repulser Blast. . GUARD BREAKING Guard Breaking, as you've most likely read in the Articles section of the site (Props to Spider-Dan, ChoiBoy, and Omni for writing it) is very dangerous, especially if you're Iron Man, for you can guard break into the infinite, using either the U + Fierce or U + Roundhouse (I like using the U + Fierce, mostly because it's easier to see and the connecting isn't all that hard) to guard break and just start the infinite. This can be seen in the video that accompanies the article, you can just either Snapback or kill the opponent, wait till they jump in and then hit the U + Fierce and start the infinite. Another important note about guard breaking into the infinite is that you can also sometimes guard break into the infinite in midscreen, making this VERY lethal in the hands of a knowledgable player. TEAMS Good teams to consider with Iron Man in them are pretty simple, the one I use: Iron Man(Projectile)/Cable(Anti Air)/Sentinel(Ground) is very dangerous and can be a great help. If you've seen the Japanese videos, you'll see the White does Triangle Jump (Superjump XX Airdash DF with attack, usually Short, Short, or Jab, UF Fierce or DF Fierce) rushdowns, and they just downright killed LiquidMetal's Cable. Basic rushdown would be calling Sentinel, Triangle Jumping in with a Jab, DF Fierce and then try to start the mini launcher infinite chain or try for the launcher infinite. You should do your best to keep Cable out of the game, you can't risk him dying as he is a very dangerous insurance character with his simple guard break XX AHVB. If they jump in, Repulser Blast XX Proton Cannon DHC HSF (HSF, s.Fierce, Fierce Rocket Punch XX HSF, repeat) most of the time, you won't really need Cable if you're confident enough with Iron Man. Other teams to consider can be: Magneto(Capture)/Storm(Projectile)/Iron Man(Anti Air) -Magneto's Capture assist does setup the infinite, just wait for them to come to you Iron Man(Projectile)/Dhalsim(Ground)/Cyclops(Anti Air) -This is White's Dhalsim rushdown team, very effective, stick to Iron Man's assist and the s.Short, s.Medium, s.Roundhouse and c.Jab, c.Strong, c.Fierce, and his j.Roundhouse, which pretty much is a great knockdown attack while in the air. Cable(Projectile)/Cyclops(Anti Air)/Iron Man(Projectile) -Pretty much you've got the basic Cable/Cyclops routine with Iron Man thrown in for rushdown. Well, that's all for now, I've got more coming up, so stick around. Posted by ScooBdoo on 05:30:2001 02:14 AM: iron man heh, but how long do oyu do the sligh pause..and what are good strategies to use to make them fall into your trap Posted by dragonkahn on 05:30:2001 03:05 AM: ummm...a little correction to the second method of comboing into the infinite: launcher, superjump, D+Fierce, airdash down-forward, LK, LK, U+Fierce, land, infinite. Posted by Macgyver on 05:30:2001 03:19 AM: Listen will this team work Sim,IM,Cable? Tell me how to use this team to its best plz Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 03:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by Macgyver Listen will this team work Sim,IM,Cable? Tell me how to use this team to its best plz Yeah, in fact, it works better than Cyclops. Assists should be: Dhalsim(Ground), Iron Man(Projectile), Cable(Anti Air). It's the same basics as the Dhalsim/Iron Man/Cyclops team only using Cable instead of Cyclops, in fact it's a better team because of the importance of AHVB just in case Iron Man happens to die. As for mechanics of the team, Dhalsim's on point using Iron Man's projectile assist to help in rushdown, call the assist, dash forward, and do either c.LP, c.LP, c.HP or s.LK, s.LK, s.HK ending each combo with a Tiger Knee LP Yoga Fire(SIDE NOTE: If you have Sentinel as an assist instead of Cable, you could call Sentinel and do a semi trap. After doing the three hit combo, call Sentinel and do a Tiger Knee Yoga Fire, this should bring you just above their head, preventing them from jumping up), and repeat. Abuse Dhalsim's j.HK, it will knock a lot of people out of their own attacks and it keeps them cornered if you're doing the triangle jump rushdown thing, that should be like if they're trying to escape by superjumping, intercept with a j.HK, airdash downforward and use pokes and continue to keep poking with the three hit combos. For Iron Man, stick to superjumping and Smart Bomb barrages, or you can go into fly mode, throw Smart Bombs, call Cable and then do the Knee Stomp (D + HK). You can triangle jump when the opponent is in the corner just use the hits I've listed in the guide above and it should work fine. As for Cable, stick to guard breaking, AHVBs, his s.LK, s.LK, s.HK combo, sj.HK and LK Grenades work fine, just make sure not to use the grenades too much against other Dhalsim players or rushdown people, Cable's grenade lag is WAY too much and he's open too long. That should be a good beginners thing. Posted by JsTyLe on 05:30:2001 03:57 AM: how long did it take you the get the ironman infinite off of the mini launch? i sorta got it once in about 10 mins then couldnt be able to do it nemore.. always mess up on which button to push.. my brain cant comprehend that Posted by Sentinel_Nuts on 05:30:2001 04:05 AM: Another way u can setup the infinite is when u switch in with IM and connect. I dont recommend this though its pretty risky. Only do it if your sure you'll connect. Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 04:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by JsTyLe how long did it take you the get the ironman infinite off of the mini launch? i sorta got it once in about 10 mins then couldnt be able to do it nemore.. always mess up on which button to push.. my brain cant comprehend that Took me 2 days to get the jist of the mechanics of superjump cancelling, but a whole week to try to pull it off. After the MP, there's gonna be a slight delay where you can't do anything at all, but then that's where it's like cancelling into a super, except you just cancel into a superjump, and then FAST Jab to cancel the superjump into the infinite, or instead you can superjump and then triangle jump into the Jab, which is basically the same thing. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 05:30:2001 04:22 AM: hey um..would this team work? i use WM instead of IM because i like his short unibeam thing and the war anyways i use WM(aaa) Sent(ground) and psy(aaa).is this good? also IM SS and who do u recomend and why? also wt assist should i use for WM?I use WM because he has more chipping than im and i have a semi lockdown w/ him and sent. Plus his war destroyer is good for runaway...i am also wondering if i should put cammy in instead of psy because i am a exceptionaly good cammy any strats or suggestions would be helpful...btw my MAIN team is WM sent and Psy but i am wondering about putting cammy any help is good thanks... Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 06:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by DemiDeviMatt hey um..would this team work? i use WM instead of IM because i like his short unibeam thing and the war anyways i use WM(aaa) Sent(ground) and psy(aaa).is this good? also IM SS and who do u recomend and why? also wt assist should i use for WM?I use WM because he has more chipping than im and i have a semi lockdown w/ him and sent. Plus his war destroyer is good for runaway...i am also wondering if i should put cammy in instead of psy because i am a exceptionaly good cammy any strats or suggestions would be helpful...btw my MAIN team is WM sent and Psy but i am wondering about putting cammy any help is good thanks... Well, War Machine does have some advantages over Iron Man, but not many, which is why most people just go with Iron Man, some pros include War Machine's Shoulder Cannon, and how it doesn't weaken over distance, Iron Man's Unibeam does, but then there are the cons, which there are plenty of, which are: Can't combo in Proton Cannon easily, unlike Iron Man, War Destroyer is only good as a surprise super and isn't good for runaway, especially, if you're fighting a Cable player or even a Storm player for that matter. I don't don't your lockdown trap, but pretty much, you can lockdown with Dhalsim and Iron Man too, which, IMO is much more effective. But I'll give you some strats on War Machine. First off, Psylocke and Sentinel are good backups, but you have to be extremely good with Psylocke if you're just using her for an assist, it's too much of a risk, so I'd suggest learning her, Sentinel's assist doesn't really add too much for War Machine rushdown, since his airdash is crappy. Take advantage of his launcher speed, it is fast. I can't really give you too many War Machine strats because I don't use him, period, I stick to Iron Man for more reasons, I suggest you learn him because in the long run, you're gonna have more losses than wins if you use War Machine. As for Cammy, she's a very good assist and point character overall. Her double jump combo is very useful and after a KBA combo, you can dash towards the opponent and try to OTG and start another KBA combo, making her extremely dangerous in good hands (AKA Justin Wong ^_^). Put her in Anti Air assist and you've got a good cover, since she's invulnerable all the way to the peak. But if you do replace Psylocke with Cammy, you're not gonna have any real way to setup the infinite, unless you use the j.LK, j.LK, j.U + HK setup, which works, but his airdash is a bit slower than Iron Man's, so yeah. I really suggest you drop War Machine for Iron Man and maybe switch in Dhalsim, Magneto, or Storm for Psylocke, because those people really benefit from Iron Man's projectile assist. Sorry about the lack of War Machine strats but there's not a lot you can do with him. Posted by drunkenrage on 05:30:2001 06:29 AM: quote: To combo in the infinite you can do it one of two ways: c.Jab, c.Strong, Superjump XX Jab, Jab, UF Fierce, infinite Isn't there a dash after the 2nd jab, or is this another way to do it, because i don't understand it. Explain please. my heads hurting drunkenrage Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 06:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by miketorres Isn't there a dash after the 2nd jab, or is this another way to do it, because i don't understand it. Explain please. my heads hurting drunkenrage Believe me, it's been hurting my head too. There's no dash after the 2nd jab, you just go straight into the Fierce, the way this works it's like this: When you superjump cancel, the computer will know you performed it in superjump level, but not normal level, and when you hit the 2nd Jab, that Jab will be in normal level and then the UF Fierce is normal level too. Posted by drunkenrage on 05:30:2001 06:59 AM: So what ur saying is: SJ cancel, Sj Jab, Then the next jab cancels the SJ to a normal jump? And is that JAB a Jab or Medium punch. Then U fierce and ur on the floor that quick from a sj w/o a dash. Mind boggling. I believe that's it. I wish i could try this crap right now. My bro playing confidence mission right now drunkenrage Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 07:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by miketorres So what ur saying is: SJ cancel, Sj Jab, Then the next jab cancels the SJ to a normal jump? And is that JAB a Jab or Medium punch. Then U fierce and ur on the floor that quick from a sj w/o a dash. Mind boggling. I believe that's it. I wish i could try this crap right now. My bro playing confidence mission right now drunkenrage That's the thing I forgot to mention, when you superjump cancel, you're gonna do the same attack, you'll know if you do it right if TWO Jab motions (The right hand with the energy) happen instead of one and then the middle punch motion. Posted by drunkenrage on 05:30:2001 07:11 AM: No need for the air dash now? After all the practice of getting it down. waste of time. Is there any timming for this 2nd jab or just do it fast? drunkenrage Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 07:17 AM: quote: Originally posted by miketorres No need for the air dash now? After all the practice of getting it down. waste of time. Is there any timming for this 2nd jab or just do it fast? drunkenrage No timing, just perform the second Jab after the first. Also, the air dash in not completely useless, you can always start the infinite from the launcher, and that requires the air dash, so you can use that to hone your skills and keep it useful, also there's this combo: Launch, LK, U + HP, U + HK, air dash up, U + HP, U + HK, Fly Mode, U + HP, HP Unibeam Posted by Godoffight on 05:30:2001 10:04 AM: U didn't explain how to the infinites on small and large characters need help here geek Posted by Macgyver on 05:30:2001 11:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by Godoffight U didn't explain how to the infinites on small and large characters need help here geek hey on char's like MM it aint that hard just practice but on Sent and Jugg i have no idea how to do it it falls apart all the time 4 me i get up to 20 then relise thats its going to fall apart so i hope my repolser blast hits then PROTON CANNON but what i would like to know is how can u do the infinite once it breaks can u start it back up again? And i dont Xactly get how to do Guard Breaks in2 the infiitie??? Posted by Macgyver on 05:30:2001 11:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by Supergeek No timing, just perform the second Jab after the first. Also, the air dash in not completely useless, you can always start the infinite from the launcher, and that requires the air dash, so you can use that to hone your skills and keep it useful, also there's this combo: Launch, LK, U + HP, U + HK, air dash up, U + HP, U + HK, Fly Mode, U + HP, HP Unibeam TELL ME how do u do the infinite of the Launcher??? And y the fuck dont i c ppl doing this on clips? Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 04:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by Godoffight U didn't explain how to the infinites on small and large characters need help here geek I listed a different button combination in the guide for bigger guys, it said to do: j.LK, j.LP, j.LK, j.UF HP, that should work for smaller guys and bigger guys, mostly because they fall down faster if you do the normal combination. Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 04:12 PM: quote: Originally posted by Macgyver TELL ME how do u do the infinite of the Launcher??? And y the fuck dont i c ppl doing this on clips? I'd do clips, but I have no system that's required to do it, a video capture card, or a joystick, which is usually crucial in performing most combos in the game. To do the infinite from the launcher is simple: Launch, DF HP, airdash DF, LK, LK, UF HP, infinite. Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 08:26 PM: Bump Posted by Sepehr on 05:30:2001 08:49 PM: Laucher setup? How fast do you have to press d.HP. Because i can not seem to connect it to lk after that. and by the way, HOW Do you superjump cancel. Canceling is really hard. It took me quite a while to learns it. When do you hit it? Did you use any special technique???? TEll me how you learned it. Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 08:56 PM: Re: Laucher setup? quote: Originally posted by Sepehr How fast do you have to press d.HP. Because i can not seem to connect it to lk after that. and by the way, HOW Do you superjump cancel. Canceling is really hard. It took me quite a while to learns it. When do you hit it? Did you use any special technique???? TEll me how you learned it. Well, if you can't connect the LKs after the D + HP, try adding a LK before the D + HP. As for the superjump cancelling, no real technique, maybe try airdashing straight down after superjumping and hit the jab. Posted by Sepehr on 05:30:2001 09:09 PM: Setup By the way you have to dash after you superjumped and pressed lp. YOu have dash quickly and press lp, UHP. You do not have to worry about the directions just press 2 punches and then press lp and the rest. Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 10:47 PM: Re: Setup quote: Originally posted by Sepehr By the way you have to dash after you superjumped and pressed lp. YOu have dash quickly and press lp, UHP. You do not have to worry about the directions just press 2 punches and then press lp and the rest. Thanks for explaining that, it's what I wanted to say, but I couldn't explain it. Posted by Sepehr on 05:30:2001 10:51 PM: Setup you can not let the pad to go back to its natural mode. Maybe you can do that in arcade but using a dreamcast pad. If you are using a dreamcat pad you have to take your hand off for a second and press down up as quick as you can. with the dreamcat pad it is ten times harder. U know what i am talking about. Posted by Supergeek on 05:30:2001 10:54 PM: Yeah, I know what ya mean. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 05:31:2001 12:12 AM: ok my team is WM(aaa or projectile) sent(ground) and psy or cammy (aaa, my rushdown is w/ cammy or psy...or actually WM if i chose too. I usually do a keepaway game w/ WM or do a is short shoulder cannon sent assist repeat...this is a semi lockdown which pretty much works but u have to be careful of HVB's but not all the i also feel the infinite is easier w/ WM... my orgianal team was IM,Psy,and Cammy,...wt do u think?everyone said either cammy or psy...i use sents assist btw for anything else u have to say?...plz let me know my friend... Posted by Sepehr on 05:31:2001 12:29 AM: Your team Why to pick wm??ironman is better. I would have to say that Phy is better since she has a better assist that goes well with ironman's infinite. Posted by AMX on 05:31:2001 02:57 AM: because he is harder to use. i use him because IM speed doesnt really help and WM is stronger. And is black and white uniform matches sent. all black uniform. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 05:31:2001 03:03 AM: omg! i use his black color sents black color and cammy' black color yeah they r dope... Posted by HaloMek on 05:31:2001 04:03 AM: i always thought WM couldnt take that much damage and lags longer than IM... Posted by Supergeek on 05:31:2001 04:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by HaloMek i always thought WM couldnt take that much damage and lags longer than IM... Yeah, that's why people pick Iron Man. Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 05:31:2001 04:12 AM: etto...well he does lag more than IM except in the short unibeam thing...also he takes better damage than ha! Posted by Supergeek on 05:31:2001 04:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by DemiDeviMatt etto...well he does lag more than IM except in the short unibeam thing...also he takes better damage than ha! Ummm...that's only two things he's got on Iron Man...which is why people choose Iron Man. Posted by Supergeek on 05:31:2001 05:46 AM: I wanted to bump this and say that I have a Cable guide coming up pretty soon. Posted by dr.Dink on 05:31:2001 06:04 AM: Is this possible in MSH? I've been trying, but I can only get so far. Anyone? Oh, and I can only get it to go if I use only jab, medium, fierce-Up. Posted by Fozzy on 05:31:2001 08:26 AM: hmm can you help me? OK, can you help me with soem combos and strats for a team of Cable - Anti Air Storm - ? Dunno what to use? Who goes here? - I thought either CapCommando or Magneto or what? thanks Posted by Supergeek on 05:31:2001 03:29 PM: quote: Originally posted by dr.Dink Is this possible in MSH? I've been trying, but I can only get so far. Anyone? Oh, and I can only get it to go if I use only jab, medium, fierce-Up. Sorry, I haven't played MSH, so I wouldn't know. Posted by Supergeek on 05:31:2001 03:41 PM: Re: hmm can you help me? quote: Originally posted by Fozzy OK, can you help me with soem combos and strats for a team of Cable - Anti Air Storm - ? Dunno what to use? Who goes here? - I thought either CapCommando or Magneto or what? thanks Cable(AntiAir)/Storm(Projectile)/Iron Man(Projectile) is a very balanced team. Storm should be the main assist because she helps out Cable and Iron Man, Cable for a semi trap (Call Storm, throw grenade, repeat) and Iron Man for rushdown (look in guide for Triangle Jump rushdown). Right now, you wanna use either Storm or Iron Man on point and keep Cable back until you're ready to do some damage with AHVBs, until then, you shouldn't have too much trouble killing people with Storm rushdown and the Iron Man infinite. Since you have no real way to set up the infinite, you can do the Japanese setup or the Launcher setup (See guide for detail) or maybe a throw setup, using Storm's assist to help you out, how that works is when you throw with Iron Man, he'll usually grab you before doing anything, so during that time, the grabbing period, call an assist and it will hit, I saw White doing this in his match against Nun, and it worked every time. So, try experimenting. I've got a Cable guide coming up so look for that for strats. Storm should be used as a rushdown character and then tone it back with some runaway to build some meter. Rely on triangle jumping as a big part of your game (Triangle Jumping being, a superjump cancelled into a DF airdash, during which you can attack with either LP, HP, or LP, HK) and a small poke combo backed by Iron Man's Projectile assist, dash in, Call Iron Man, and do a small LK, LK, HK chain, if it hits, follow it up with her Lightning Storm combo, if it doesn't, repeat. This should give you a slight idea of team basics and strategies. Posted by Supergeek on 05:31:2001 10:27 PM: Bump... Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 06:01:2001 12:25 AM: ok now i have an IM team so that way i have the best of both this one is IM either aaa or projectile...doom aaa and psy aaa...any suggestions or strats plz? Posted by Supergeek on 06:01:2001 02:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by DemiDeviMatt ok now i have an IM team so that way i have the best of both this one is IM either aaa or projectile...doom aaa and psy aaa...any suggestions or strats plz? Iron Man(Projectile)/Doom(AAA)/Psylocke(AAA) should be the assists. Posted by S3nTiN3L on 06:01:2001 03:11 AM: sorry super geek but can you explain ALL of the ways to connect PC after the infinit. this problably got asked once so if you can re tell me id apriciate it.thanx! Posted by Supergeek on 06:01:2001 04:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by S3nTiN3L sorry super geek but can you explain ALL of the ways to connect PC after the infinit. this problably got asked once so if you can re tell me id apriciate it.thanx! You don't have to get fancy to connect Proton Cannon after the infinite. You can either keep doing the infinite, and when you land after the UF Fierce, you can perform the super, the super will hit them as it forms and the vacuum effect will pull them in and they will get hit, this is the easiest way to finish someone off after the infinite. You can also, when you land after the UF Fierce, you can perform a Jab Repulser Blast and then cancel it into a Proton Cannon, this is usually done for show or if you want a tiny bit more damage on the super. Posted by Supergeek on 06:02:2001 12:19 AM: Bump, for some people. Posted by Supergeek on 06:02:2001 06:50 AM: Wanted to bump this to go with my Cable guide. Posted by Gerjay_2001 on 06:02:2001 08:24 PM: Ok then. Posted by orochi_shin on 06:05:2001 11:48 PM: I just wanted to ask when you do the Super Jump cancel do I do it normal Super Jump or like a Tiger Knee Motion Super Jump??? Please help, maybe this is what's stopping me from doing the Inf. PLEASE!! Posted by Supergeek on 06:05:2001 11:55 PM: quote: Originally posted by orochi_shin I just wanted to ask when you do the Super Jump cancel do I do it normal Super Jump or like a Tiger Knee Motion Super Jump??? Please help, maybe this is what's stopping me from doing the Inf. PLEASE!! Normal. Posted by Sepehr on 06:06:2001 12:08 AM: infinity setup Here is how you do the superjumping part. When you do the first lk then turn it into C.lp right after your press lp let go of the joystick. Then go down again and up. that should do it. This is the way it works for me. You have to let down go as soon as you press lp and before the lp connects. Some people say they wait the whole time and press down until mp hits and then they let go of the joystick and then press downup again. That does not work for me. Posted by Psyduck on 06:06:2001 12:39 AM: would LP LP work instead of LK LP? (for the ironman XX superjump cancel) Posted by Sepehr on 06:06:2001 01:15 AM: infinite Nope. Only lp. Posted by orochi_shin on 06:06:2001 01:17 AM: Thanks a whole lot, maybe i can get it now. Really needed the help sence I'm part of the big Puerto Rico Tourney. Well hope it helps. THANKS AGAIN Posted by Supergeek on 06:06:2001 01:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by Psyduck would LP LP work instead of LK LP? (for the ironman XX superjump cancel) LK, LP would only work, because there's too much lag with the LP, LP. Posted by TexMex on 06:06:2001 05:32 AM: I do the infinite pretty well and have tons of setups for it but I have so much trouble linkin in the Photon Cannon near the end. I can't get it for the life of me. You keep on talkin about this vacuum effect and I understand what you mean but I still can't get it. Do you change your timing of infinite at all before you bust out a PC. I try and slow down so that my up FP hits them right before I land and so I do my PC right away but I still have so much trouble. Any tips on getting this down? Or do I just need to practice like crazy? Posted by Supergeek on 06:06:2001 05:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by TexMex I do the infinite pretty well and have tons of setups for it but I have so much trouble linkin in the Photon Cannon near the end. I can't get it for the life of me. You keep on talkin about this vacuum effect and I understand what you mean but I still can't get it. Do you change your timing of infinite at all before you bust out a PC. I try and slow down so that my up FP hits them right before I land and so I do my PC right away but I still have so much trouble. Any tips on getting this down? Or do I just need to practice like crazy? Depends, are you doing the Proton Cannon midscreen or in the corner? Cause I'm talking about the vacuum effect in the corner, cause when you do the super, they're basically pushed into it by the wall. If you want to do it midscreen, use a LP Repulser Blast XX Proton Cannon, that'll work. Posted by TexMex on 06:06:2001 07:12 AM: trying to do it in corner.. I have timing down for corner...just damn photon cannon Posted by Sepehr on 06:06:2001 11:37 AM: infinite You have to keep your opponent low. If you are doing ironman's infinite and you see that he is getting low and you have donw 40 hits do not hit him with an other lk, lp, lk, uHp. That is what most people do. Keep his low at the end of your infinity so when that big gun of ironman comes out your opponent is low enough to get hit by the gun and the rest of the beam. All times are GMT. The time now is 01:52 AM. 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